Behind the curtain: Prestige
Intro As someone who enjoys pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, I often find myself drawn to intriguing projects that offer a real challenge. Prestige, one of the top ghost clients in the ...
Intro As someone who enjoys pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, I often find myself drawn to intriguing projects that offer a real challenge. Prestige, one of the top ghost clients in the ...
Intro As a developer, I love being challenged whether it’s in improving my own work, or poking around with other people’s. Recently something has Risen to the occasion (good joke right?). Rise, it...
Introduction One of the best obfuscators on the market but first off we need to establish that none of this was done in ill intent, and we simply wanted to challenge ourselves. Because of this we...
Introduction Sharding is an essential concept for large Discord bots (or any service really), allowing them to efficiently scale by distributing workloads across multiple processes. In this blog,...
Discovery I was originally sent the client by a close friend of mine who bought it and then suggested I crack it. The file I was sent was called appleskin-fabric-mc1.19-2.4.1.jar after opening th...